Marco Buetikofer & Lotte Meret Effinger

Relic from a Datafiction, 2019

SoC computer, TFT display, audio speaker, fiberglass, latex, single channel video
42 x 25 x 4 cm
Unique | part of the Relics from a Datafiction series

The unique sculpture is revealing in its delicate components a short story of the experimental video game 'Datafiction' by Marco Buetikofer and Lotte Meret Effinger. In the video game the players flow trough protocols, software and data-centers encountering personal memories, fragments of research material, music and spam that constitutes a scattered narrative. Datafiction aims to experience the complexity of digitization and explore an alternative narration about the effects of data-production and consumption.

"Relic from a Datafiction" was part of Gallery.Delivery: New Convenience | Berlin 2019.

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